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For all moms and families,

Online prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric consultation is now available!

Due to the recent COVID-19 crisis, many cities and nations locked down or requested self-restraint. We understand that mothers and parents are losing the connections with their local communities and support from public sectors. Thus, we opened an online consultation service for pregnant women, mothers who are in need of pregnancy and pediatric monitoring and who simply want somebody to talk.

Public health specialists such as nurses, midwives, clinical development psychologist, and childcare workers await to listen to you and provide advice.


Despite the distance, we will support you as much as possible while cooperating with other professions.

(*We mainly serves for parents living in Japan and overseas Japanese parents.)


◆ Individual consultation is available 24/7 via LINE official account!

(*Add us as a friend through the QR code.)

LINE 公式アカウント.png
  • Any questions and concerns relating to pregnancy, childcare and parenting are welcome! We want to hear your voices!

  • If necessary, we can introduce available resources and services.

Facebook page is

now available!


Our Twitter also provides information!


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